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A boire et à manger
2 octobre 2007

Salade vigneronne


Du mesclun, du raisin (Muscat de Hambourg), des gésiers confits émincés, du pain croustillant, de l'huile d'olive et du balsamique blanc. Le secret du bonheur? Fô p'têtre pas exagérer, mais d'une salade sympa qui fait office de plat unique, oui.


Dear Sir or Madam,<br /> My name is Leticia Avierkiieva and I am a contributor at www.mycitycuisine.org, a wiki project. I am currently working on an article about Salade Vigneronne for the project, and am in need of a photo for the article.<br /> I wanted to inquire in regards to your photo:<br /> http://boiremanger.canalblog.com/archives/2007/10/02/6398694.html<br /> The photo would be perfect for the article. Would you be willing to give mycitycuisine.org permission to use your photo for the project? <br /> If you agree to let mycitycuisine.org to use the photo, please specify the terms of permission in your reply so I can upload this photo with the correct license terms.<br /> 1.) I certify that I am the owner of this photo. I grant mycitycuisine.org and its owner to use this photo for any purpose with attribution to me as the photo owner.<br /> 2.) I certify that I am the owner of this photo. I release all rights of this photo and place this photo in the public domain.<br /> I thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you.<br /> Best regards,<br /> Leticia Avierkiieva<br /> PS: mycitycuisine.org is a wiki project so you are encouraged to contribute to it by sharing your knowledge of your local cuisine. Thank you.
C'est une très belle salade qui me met en appétit avec l'approche de midi.<br /> Bonne journée, Doria
Une bien jolie salade!
Puisque les raisins sont déjà dans la salade. Pour lendemains de "grosses dégustations".
A boire et à manger
A boire et à manger

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